Desk and Derrick Club Attendees Talk Mineral Management


SAN ANGELO, TX- Earlier this afternoon, the Desk and Derrick Club held a meeting at the San Angelo Country Club, 1609 Country Club Rd.

Attendees enjoys a delicious meal, visited, and focused in on the discussion of “Mineral Management 101.”

Candice Brewer, President of the Desk and Derrick Club, gave the presentation, and discussed how mineral and royalty owners can better understand and navigate through many of the complexities of mineral ownership by focusing on four major areas: Ownership, Leasing, Division Orders and the Royalty Check.

Brewer began her presentation by saying, “The oil and gas industry, and oil and gas development, in general, presents a lot of opportunities for a property owner and mineral and royalty owners, and there is a lot of complexities to that.”

Brewer continued to explain that people need to know if they are a mineral and royalty owner, and how they can navigate the complexities and educate themselves so they can make good decisions.

When Brewer asked how many people were mineral and royalty owners, around half of the people attending the meeting raised their hands.

Scott Templeton attended the meeting today. Although he is not a member, he came to learn about mineral management for his own benefit.

“[I came] to support Candice and to learn some of the basics about oil and gas," he said. "I want to get a little more educated, and then possibly join [the Desk and Derrick Club].”

Here is a link to the Mineral Management 101 PowerPoint presentation that was given today. 

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