Tom Green County Sheriff's Office Welcomes Volunteer K-9 Training Dog and Owner


SAN ANGELO, TX- The Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office is welcoming two new search and rescue volunteers, Lisa Tumlinson and Ella, her K-9 Training dog.

According to the Sheriff’s Office, Tumlinson holds a Level II SARTECH certification issued by the National Association of Search and Rescue. Ella, a 1.5-year-old blood hound has been trained as a tracking dog to work in both urban and rural areas since she was four months old.

Ella is scheduled to receive her first certification in April of this year.

“Tumlinson and Ella have partnered up with the Sheriff’s Office for the purpose of achieving various aims and objective relating to K-9 Trailing,” stated a TGCSO press release.

An example of trailing could be tracking lost children or elderly who are lost or have wondered off.

The press release concluded, “Another use would be to track a hunter [who has] gone missing. Although Ella can track anyone, Tumlinson prefers working around non-criminal searches.”

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