SAN ANGELO, TX- Last night, San Angelo officially kicked off the holiday season with the lighting of the downtown Christmas tree and the Lights of Christmas Parade. Even the cool weather could not keep the people of the city in joining the holiday cheer.
The lighting and parade had been previously rescheduled due to the inclement of last weekend.

The tree lighting commenced at 5:15 p.m. with two very special and local music guests. Citizens can now see the Christmas tree lights every night as as they make their way through the Tour of Lights, or on the corner of Concho and Chadbourne. The San Angelo Community Band, directed by Dr. Constance Kelley of Angelo State University, performed several holiday pieces during the lighting. The Twin Mountain Tonesmen also performed several classic Christmas carols.

Both the parade and the lighting are traditions that San Angeloans hold dearly to, and many people showed their excitement yesterday in witnessing this tradition once more.
“I think it’s wonderful when as many people can come out on a cool, windy evening as this and witness something like this,” Mayor Morrison said. “It says a lot for our citizens, and it says a lot for our community.”
The parade, which featured some of San Angelo’s most creative decorators, was a treat for everyone who attended. The parade also opened to anyone who wished to participate and show off their Christmas cheer. One very special guest of the parade was Santa, who took the time out of his very busy schedule to greet the people of San Angelo.
Here are some of the most festive and creative floats spectators got to enjoy.

San Angelo LIVE! would like to wish all our readers a very happy and blessed holiday season.
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