Volunteers Set to Wrap Black Friday Gifts for Operation Blue Santa


SAN ANGELO, TX – This Black Friday, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., people rushing around the city for all their holiday deals can stop by Maurice’s at 4427 Sunset Drive and get their gifts wrapped for a donation. All donations will go to a great cause that benefits local children and their families.

Operation Blue Santa, also known as Shop with a Cop, is underway, and members of the San Angelo Coalition of Police (SACOP) are gearing up for their big Christmas shopping extravaganza with students, K-5th grade.

Operation Blue Santa began 10 years ago and has assisted hundreds of students and their families. For LIVE!’s recent story on Operation Blue Santa, click here.

Candace Spencer Francis, who helped organize the event, said, in addition to wrapping gifts, there will be a bake sale going on as well. The staff at Maurice’s will be doing all the baking.

“They do cookies, and just a whole variety of stuff,” said Francis.

She also noted that people can bring gifts of any size.

If anyone wishes to volunteer and put their wrapping techniques to use, people can email Francis at [email protected].  

Additionally, if anyone has wrapping paper, bows, tape, or scissors they wish to donate for the wrapping extravaganza, please drop off the items at Maurice’s, or email Francis and she can stop by to pick up the donations.

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