SAN ANGELO, TX - As with many sports, boxing has its positive and negative aspects. For the most part, those involved with the sport are good people with good intentions. At the same time, some see the sport as barbaric and don't really understand the gist of it. The basic concept is it's a challenge between two people with the goal of out scoring one another, landing legal hits in a designated area of the body, while obeying numerous rules and regulations and practicing good sportsmanship. It takes a great deal of self control, dedication, endurance and discipline. For those who practice day in and day out, these traits oftentimes become a way of life.
Most boxers come from humble beginnings, and whether they "make it to the big time" or not, they tend to remain gracious throughout their lives for the lessons learned during the competitive process.
One local San Angeloan, Osvaldo Martinez, knows "the life" well. Growing up in a single parent household, he watched the struggle his mother endured, and always admired her for doing the best she could with what she had. As a child, he had big dreams of becoming a professional boxer; and that he did. For many years, he fought in the notorious Toughman circuit and would eventually start training in San Antonio making his pro debut in the Heavyweight division in 2005. Over the next 5 years, he'd give and take countless hits, but as many vow from the start, he always remembered the golden rule: "never forget where you came from."

Note: Osvaldo 'Psycho Monster' Martinez poses with Anne 'Brown Sugar' Wolfe, IFBA Champion 2002 at local amateur boxing show.
As an adult, he has kept his promise to "give back" to the community in a number of ways, including mentoring at-risk youth while working at a local alternative school, always encouraging others to never give up and refuse to lose, whatever the case may be. He is also currently working with a local amateur boxer who he says "has great potential."

Perhaps the most elaborate cause he has fought for is ensuring no child goes without during the holiday season.
"In the Spirit of Christmas - Light up a Child's Life is an annual event that provides a little bit of hope and cheer for children who otherwise may not receive such at home. For the past 12 years, I've always had social service advocates from the independent school district provide names of families who may be going through hardships during the holidays. Unfortunately, these days there can be two parents working full time, but sometimes it's just not enough," said Martinez.
He added, "Once I get my list, I separate the names into age groups to have some kind of idea what kinds of gifts I need to provide, and what kind of funding to ask of my sponsors. I do most of of the shopping and like to get my sponsors involved as well. I have several family members, friends and volunteers who wrap the presents, and we try to make them as personal as possible."

Martinez said it takes a lot of time and thought into picking out the perfect gift for each child. Many people don't realize that an event of this magnitude takes months of planning.
"Besides my many regular sponsors greatly appreciated donations, funds to purchase the toys come from numerous fundraisers, including bake sales, car washes and whatever else we can think of to raise money to provide for these kids," Martinez stated.

He added that he never knows what kind of year he's going to have.
"Six weeks ago, my Christmas storage was broken into, and needless to say, none of what was stolen was recovered; so now, to make up for that loss, we are holding another fundraiser," Martinez noted.
The fundraiser will be held at the Original Lone Star Collision, 1308 Pulliam Street, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. this Thursday, November 17.
"We'll be selling BBQ Pork Chop plates with beans and rice, sausage on a stick, jalapenos and two slices of bread for only $10," Martinez said. "We'll also gratefully accept donations of new toys for all ages; boys and girls, and any and all donations are greatly appreciated."

Martinez explained that, when he first started out, the money he raised was mostly nickels, dimes and pennies. People were kind of skeptical of giving money to a new Christmas program that no one had ever heard about. Last year, however, the program helped about 300 kids from age zero to 14, and every year it gets bigger.
Regarding, referrals, he added, "If someone should call with a need, I will do my best to accommodate them; at the end of it all, I just want everyone to have fun."
In the Spirit of Christmas-Light up a Child's Life' will be held at 5750 Ben Ficklin Road, the Southside Recreation Center, on Saturday December 17. Registration will be from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., and there will be door prizes given at the end of the event. Martinez added he is currently looking for live entertainment.
"The last couple of years, we were fortunate to have a Michael Jackson impersonator out of San Antonio," he said. "I'd like to do something a little different this year, like something to do with the 'anti-bullying' theme. If anyone has any ideas, or would like to help out, please feel free to contact me."
For more information, please message him on Facebook at OzValdo Martinez or call (325) 374-7727.
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