SAN ANGELO, TX - A press release from Angelo State University’s announced that the 2016 Homecoming Week will officially begin on Sunday, Oct. 2.
The press release stated that the week “will feature a variety of events and activities, culminating on Saturday, Oct. 8, with the Homecoming football game between the ASU Rams and Oklahoma Panhandle State University.”
This year’s Homecoming theme is “Roscoe’s Top 100,” and many of the events are open to the public.
The first major event of the week will be the second annual Ram Remembrance, a memorial ceremony to honor the passing of ASU students, faculty, staff and alumni during the previous academic year. The ceremony will begin at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 4, at the LeGrand Alumni and Visitors Center, 1620 University Ave.
The majority of events will take place Friday, Oct. 7, and Saturday, Oct. 8.
The ASU Alumni Association’s will put together an annual Homecoming Dinner on Friday in the Houston Harte University Center, 1910 Rosemont Drive. Activities will begin with a social gathering at 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are available from the Alumni Association for $60 per person or $100 per couple.
At the dinner, the late Phil Neighbors, Class of 1974 and former president of the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, will be honored as a 2016 Distinguished Alumnus.
Dr. Darin Carroll, Class of 1994 and 1998 and director of the Environmental Safety and Health Compliance Office at the Centers for Disease Control, will also be honored as a Distinguished Alumnus.
Richard Mayer and Betty Joe “B.J.” Mayer, generous donors and long-time supporters of ASU, will be recognized as 2016 Golden Ex of the Year and 2016 Honorary Alumna, respectively.
Mohammad Shamim, Class of 1991 and senior vice president and CIO of CarMax Inc., will be recognized as the 2016 Distinguished Carr Scholar Alumnus.
Also recognized will be Maj. Lori Hodge, Class of 2002 and deputy director of public affairs for the U.S. Air Force’s Pacific Air Command, as the 2016 Distinguished ROTC Alumna.
Dr. David Loyd Jr., retired professor of physics and dean of the College of Sciences, will be recognized as 2016 Outstanding Retired Faculty Member.
Dr. James Ward, assistant professor of geoscience, will receive the Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award; and Martha Cox, ASU’s manager of student accounts/bursar, will receive the Outstanding Staff Award.
Also on Friday, the Belles soccer team hosts Texas A&M-Commerce at 7 p.m. at the ASU Soccer Field. The annual Homecoming Pep Rally will begin at 8 p.m. at the Junell Center and will be followed by the annual Homecoming Bonfire at approximately 9:30 p.m. in the open area near Foster Field at 1st Community Credit Union Stadium.
On Saturday, Oct. 8, the annual ASU Homecoming Parade will wind through downtown San Angelo beginning at 11 a.m. at Harris Avenue and Oakes Street. Any groups, bands or other organizations interested in participating in the parade can register at
The parade will be followed by the Alumni Association’s Ram Jam tailgate party at 3:30 p.m. at the LeGrand Alumni and Visitors Center.
The Rams’ football game against Oklahoma Panhandle State will begin at 6 p.m. at LeGrand Stadium at 1st Community Credit Union Field. At halftime, the Homecoming Court will be presented, the queen and king will be named and the Spirit Stick will be awarded to the student organization judged most spirited.
Other Homecoming Week activities for students will actually begin on Sunday, Oct. 2, and will include a brisket cook-off, washer tournament, “search and find” contest and step show, as well as the annual Run-Through Sign Contest and Blue & Gold Party. There will also be a presentation of the Homecoming Court nominees and a philanthropy event to benefit Mosaic of San Angelo.
Homecoming Week is a collaboration of ASU’s Multicultural and Student Activities Programs, Alumni Association, Athletics Department and numerous student organizations.
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