SAN ANGELO, TX- A new voice will be coming to NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards on September 26. According to the press release, this upgrade is the most significant for the weather radio broadcast system in the last 20 years.
New hardware and software upgrades will result in faster message processing and delivery, also smoother text to voice conversions. The Weather Broadcast Coverage areas, and Watch or Warning alerting processes will continue as normal.
Following Tuesday, September 27, 2016 NWS San Angelo, all Southern Region (SR) NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs), River Forecast Centers (RFCs) and Center Weather Service Units (CWSUs) will migrate to a new layout on their home pages.
The change is in response to a required web infrastructure consolidation that will occur by the end of 2016. The change will also provide office-to-office consistency because the layout of the home page will be set across the region. They are hoping the changes will make it easier for listeners to navigate and retrieve information that is requested.
For examples of the new pages go to the following links:
NWS San Angelo go to:
SR RFCs go to:
R CWSUs go to:
Contact Hector Guerrero or Dr. Steve Lyons at 325-944-9445 for any questions or feedback regarding the changes.
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