Desk and Derrick Club of San Angelo Hosts New Member Orientation Meeting


SAN ANGELO, TX - This afternoon, the Desk and Derrick Club (DDC) of San Angelo held a Membership Orientation Meeting at the San Angelo Country Club.

With the motto being “Greater Knowledge – Greater Service,” Casey Flores, a Desk and Derrick Club member, gave the orientation speech for the two new members joining today, Steven and Jamelyn Short.

The orientation speech included facts about the DDC, such as the history of the DDC, which was founded in 1949 and established in 1951.

Flores said, “The purpose of the association shall be to promote the education and professional development of individual employees in or affiliated with the petroleum, energy and allied industries and to educate the general public about these industries.”

Flores added, “Right now, it is especially important, in the age of misinformation, that we can educate our peers and the public about our industries.”

As the orientation moved forward, Flores described the mission of the DDC, which is “to enhance and foster a positive image to the global community by promoting the contribution of the petroleum, energy and allied industries through education by using all resources available.”

History about the DDC was also provide, and following that topic, Flores explained that there are seven regions that contain DDCs. San Angelo falls into region five.

Nearing the end of the orientation, the Board of Directors of the DDC for the regions, as well as in San Angelo, were introduced to the Shorts.

Steven explained, “I joined because I am interested in the oil and gas industry. I had a background in it; I’m an engineer. This is a way for us to get plugged in with some of the people in the community and learn more about the different aspects of the industry.”

Jamelyn added, “We both have engineering backgrounds. This will be a good way to network with people [who] are a little bit more technical. We went to one meeting and really enjoyed it. Everyone was nice so we decided to join the next month.”

Click here for the presentation that was given today.


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