San Angeloans Seek Change Through Peace Rally


San Angelo, Texas- Today, at 4:00 p.m., a Seek Change Peace Rally will be held at the St. Paul Baptist Church, 1011 Martin Luther King Dr.

The rally will have a bounce house, a bike show, vendors, music and guest speakers. The peace rally is aimed towards uniting everyone in the San Angelo community.

Christa Howard said she has been working hard to get this rally up and running.

“The goal of the rally is to break the barriers between officers, black, whites and Hispanics," Howard said. "I feel like there are a lot of stereotypes, and because of those stereotypes, things like police brutality or racism is still here.”

During the rally, everyone and anyone will have the chance to speak. Howard has made sure to gather speakers from different generations, such as the baby boomer and millennial generations.

As for the purpose of the speakers, Howard explained, “Basically, what we are trying to do is educate the younger generations by telling past stories, as well as uniting our officers of the community, so they don’t have to have fear or look over their shoulder.”

Howard added, “We are putting everyone under one roof, and we’re trying to bring peace and unity.”

As for the police attending, Howard said that they have been asked to join, but have not gotten a response yet. Sgt. Matt Vaughn with the San Angelo Police Department said he did not know about the rally and would look further into the request. However, LIVE! is awaiting a response on whether or not SAPD officers plan to attend the event.

Howard finalized, “I would love to say, '[Everyone] come out and be open minded.'”

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Great looking poster for a peace rally.............. looks like a ticked off person in a rage...... good choice

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