Jim Bass Cars and Trucks Give Away Another Car


San Angelo, Texas - This morning at 11:00 a.m., Jim Bass Ford gave away their second vehicle for the $100,000 giveaway.This giveaway allows five contestants each month to have a chance to win a brand new Ford or Nissan vehicle.

As the drawing began, the five contestants lined up and printed their names on a piece of paper. One by one, each contestant made their way to the drop box for the drawing.

Contestants Lined Up

Jimmy Bass had the honor of picking the winner for a brand new Ford Fiesta. He spun the drop dox and pulled out the name of Sebastina Hernandez. The woman was surprised and excited about her win.

“I was very excited," she said. Hernandez then thanked God that her name was called.

Jimmy Bass, the Vice President of Jim Bass Ford, explained that, “Today we gave away a car. This is the number two and we're giving away six cars, so we’ve got four more to give away.”

Jimmy Bass and Winner

Bass is encouraging people to “come by and do a test drive. You will be entered in the drawing, and you are entered for the next four [cars].”

This is a local promotion; it is not nationwide. The odds for someone winning are really good. The next car that will be given away is a Nissan, and the drawing will be help in September.

For more information, contact Jim Bass Ford at (325)949-4621, or at 4032 W. Houston Harte Expy. 

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