Western Art Show Open at Fort Concho through Sunday


The American Plains Artists Show at Fort Concho will be open through Sunday, Aug. 7.

Located in the Quartermaster Galleries at Fort Concho near the intersection of Burgess Street at East Avenue C, the show is open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. through Saturday, and 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Sunday. The exhibit is free and guests can vote on their favorite entry.

The show features 105 paintings and sculptures covering many western heritage themes. Those include cowboys, cattle, oil, buffalo, Native Americans, soldiers, settlers, and vistas of the plains and mountains. All of the art is for sale. A portion of each sale benefits Fort Concho, the American Plains Artists and the artist.

For more information, call Fort Concho at 325-481-2646.

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