Concho Valley Farmers Market Meeting Set for March 22


Today, a press release announced that The Concho Valley Farmers Market will conduct its annual membership meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, at the St. Ambrose Catholic Church’s Fellowship Hall in Wall.

Anyone interested in selling homegrown vegetables, fruits, plants, nuts or honey during the thrice-weekly market under the Farmers Market Pavilion at 609 S. Oakes St. is invited and encouraged to attend.

Membership is required to participate in the sales, which begin in May and will continue into October. Annual memberships are $15 for farmers with a half-acre or less of land and $20 for farms of one acre or more. Members pay $5 for each sale in which they participate. Membership is also limited to farmers who live within a 75-mile radius of San Angelo.

At the annual gathering Tuesday night, the organization will review its bylaws and the upcoming year’s calendar, and will elect officers and board members.

For more information, call Margie Jackson, president of the Concho Valley Farmers Market at 325-245-3338.

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