Air Force Veteran Tabbed to Lead City's Recreation Operations


Brent Casey, a retired Air Force sergeant with more than 20 years experience supervising recreation and sports activities for the military and local communities, has been hired as the City of San Angelo’s Recreation manager, effective May 1.

Casey will manage seven municipally owned recreation facilities, including Texas Bank Sports Complex, Love Municipal Pool, Santa Fe Crossing and Station 618 senior centers, and the Nature Center, and the employees who provide recreation and athletic programming. He will also oversee popular events such as the annual Daddy-Daughter and Mother-Son Date Nights and an annual preseason basketball tournament.

Casey was chosen from a field of 70 applicants. He replaces MaryAnn Vasquez, who retired earlier this year.

“There is so much potential and possibility for new recreation programming within the City of San Angelo,” Casey said. “It’s a wide-open landscape, and we’ll be exploring a long list of opportunities that would touch everyone from peewee athletes to active seniors. I’m itching to get started.”

Casey has served as the director of fitness centers at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota and at Lajes Field, Azores, Portugal. In addition, he served as the sports director at Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls. Since 2012, he has worked in human resources capacities at Goodfellow AFB.

Recently, he has coached youth basketball teams. He is an active volunteer, most notably with the American Cancer Society Tom Green County Relay for Life.

“Brent’s passion for recreation and sports, coupled with his experience and ability to collaborate with others, is exactly what we need to lead our recreation programs,” Parks and Recreation Director Carl White said. “He has a proven track record of dramatically increasing programming and participation in those offerings. Brent understands our recreation programs exist to meet the public’s demands and needs, and he’s ready to serve.”

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