New Bridge Family Shelter Offers Counseling at No Charge


New Bridge Family Shelter, a nonprofit organization in West Texas, has been providing 24 hour emergency shelter, legal advocacy, support groups, and community referrals for more than 45 years. The shelter will now be providing onsite, confidential counseling at no cost in San Angelo and Big Lake. Participants do not have to be in a current realationship in which domestic violence is present in order to qualify. 

Big Lake will be the first location to offer onsite counseling away from the main shelter. New Bridge is looking to expand the program to make counceling available in each of the fourteen counties it serves: Reagan,Sterling, Coke, Runnels,Irion,Tom Green, Concho, McCulloch,Mason,Menard, Kimble,Sutton,Schleicher, and Crockett.

For more information, call (325) 658-8631 or toll-free at 1-800-749-8631

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