Aaron Watson at Hastings Album Signing Today


Aaron Watson was at Hastings today during the lunch hour signing his newly-released album, The Underdog. Fans spent their lunch hour waiting for a photo/autograph opportunity from the beloved Texas country music star in a line that wrapped around the store.

“I’m gonna be late clocking back in, but he’s worth it. I love everything he does,” gushed one fan. “His music is story telling like no other,” commented another.

Aaron brought his two sons Jack and Jake with him today. “Instead of getting in Mom’s car this morning, they got on the tour bus with Dad,” he said smiling. “Guess we will have to give the principal a free album,” he joked.

After the event, Watson said in an email, "Despite not actually living in San Angelo, San Angelo still treats me like a hometown kid. I am humbled that people waited up to three hours to get their copy of my new record, The Underdog signed and I'm looking forward to bringing the boys back next month for our show at Midnight Rodeo."

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The article would have actually been helpful had you reported this prior to the event.

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