Grand Prix Fails to Yield, Three Vehicles and One Driver Hurt on W. Beauregard at Milton


At W. Beauregard Ave. and Milton St., three vehicles crashed.

A late model gold Chevrolet Tahoe was heading east on Beauregard when a westbound gold Pontiac Grand Prix took a left turn on to Milton.

Police say that the Tahoe did not have enough time or space to avoid colliding with the rear quarter panel of the Grand Prix.

After impact, the Grand Prix spun around and rammed into the Ram 2500 truck.

Police said that the Grand Prix failed to yield the right of way.

The driver of the Pontiac will be cited for license invalid, no insurance, and failure to yield the right of way.

An occupant of the Tahoe sustained minor injuries.

Officer Brian Bylsma was the investigating officer.

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jdgt, Fri, 04/25/2014 - 20:59
Anyone else notice how the only cops you see are the ones in the photos, responding to the accidents?? Where are the ones out PREVENTING them?! Where are the speed traps? Why am I constantly, CONSTANTLY passed while going the speed limit in these same dangerous places where accidents are happening?!
You will never know how many accidents that are prevented by the cops in any given day.

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