Drunks, Dope Fiends and Illegals Arrested on Thursday


Crime rates were through the roof on Thursday, jumping up to a total of 41 arrests over the 15 from the day before. Drunks, dope fiends and illegals were on the loose, accounting for the highest number of charges on the week’s highest day of crime so far.

Of the 41 arrested, eight had “border patrol” charges next to their names. There were five DWIs, five potheads, and four assault charges.

Theft was down to two on Thursday, as were public intoxication and possession of a controlled substance, and there was one woman charged for public lewdness.

Nineteen inmates were released from Tom Green County Jail. 

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Substance abuse and physical abuse are signs of mental illness. How dare you report on these things so insensitively! ;-)
I enjoy your articles, but may I suggest that you choose your words a little more carefully. For example, not everyone who is arrested for DWIs or possession are drunks, potheads and dope fiends. Their families may be reading and could use a little compassion. Also, people who are here from other countries are referred to as undocumented. Just my two cents.
Mr. Hyde, as you can see, Karla Payne (the above commenter) also appears to have spotted a problem related to our previous conversation... But, by all means, continue being dismissive of your audience. We'll see how well that works out for San Angelo LIVE! in the years to come.
It's a police blotter, it is what it is. If they were not drunk, using or illegal, they probably would not have been arrested. Their families do not need compassion, they need their eyes opened and heads pulled out of the sand. Mr. Hyde, do not give in to the threats and bullying of a few people who need to put on their big boy britches and deal with it. You report, I'll decide if it is worth my time to read.
I don't know to whom you are referring when you said not to give in to threats and bullying, but I'll assume it isn't me since that is certainly not what I was doing. I agree that if someone breaks the law, they should be held accountable. I'm just asking that people think about what someone's individual circumstances might be before judgment is passed.
I didn't see any names listed in this news brief so why the concern over hurting someones feelings. Chancres are that anyone reading this that was arrested would think the article was referring to the other folks taken that night and not themselves. I also could point out that someone without a valid drivers license while driving could be said to be "undocumented" so that doesn't adequately describe to me someone with "border patrol charges".
For names, go to the Standard Times official records, then you can connect the dots between the names of the drunks, dope fiends, and illegals.

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