Rape Crisis Center Forms Support Groups for Victims of Sexual Assault


Women in need of support or seeking information on how to cope with sexual assault will have a place to go in January, as the San Angelo Rape Crisis Center is currently starting support groups for female victims and survivors of sexual assault and abuse.

The program is nothing new, says Victim Services Advocate and Licensed Social Worker Heather Hodge, but due to a decrease in interest this time of year there isn’t currently a group in place.

“I have worked here for the last two years,” said Hodge, who is new to the facilitator role of the support groups, “Another woman was running the groups, and around Christmas time, it just kind of dwindled,” she said.  

The dwindling of interest in services isn’t unusual for this time of year; many people are just too busy to focus on deeper emotional concerns.

“We all have lives and we all have things that go on and we get busy,” Hodge explains. “Some women get to the point where they think that they’re fine and they don’t need it (support) anymore,” says Hodge, describing how the holiday bustle can serve as a distraction for those in pain.

“The purpose of the support group is to gather information and skills,” said Hodge. “There’s a curriculum and it’s up to the facilitator to set the curriculum.” As the facilitator, Hodge will be responsible for outlining what is discussed in the group, however it’s really up to the women involved she said. The curriculum is presented to participants, but it’s flexible and each is encouraged to ask questions and give input on what they’d like to talk about.

In order to join the group, women must be screened. The support groups that are currently being set up are for those who have been victimized somewhat recently, Hodge says, usually within 6-24 months.

“We do a screening to determine readiness and where they are,” she said. “I just pretty much ask them what their expectations are for the group, why they want to join, what their support system is like outside of the group…how background or culture has affected their healing,” she says.

The group is for women who have come to a certain point in the healing process that they are ready and want to meet with other women. It is not a counseling session, and focuses instead on information sharing and developing coping skills.

While the focus is on women, the Rape Crisis Center offers the same services for men. “We don’t get a lot of men that come in, but we do have services for them,” Hodge said.

Those interested in joining a group should contact Heather Hodge at 325-655-2000. The support is scheduled to begin on Jan. 13, should there be enough interest.







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