Alcohol, Drug and Assault Charges Prevalent on a Relatively Quiet Saturday


After a few relatively calm days crime-wise, Saturday saw a couple more arrests than the days prior, primarily for alcohol, drug and assault offenses.

There were 16 inmates booked into Tom Green County Jail on Saturday, the four of which were for assault, one with a deadly weapon. Theft ran a close second with three total charges, and there were two DWI’s, two possession charges, one possession of marijuana and one public intoxication. The others were minor offenses, such as driving without a license, failure to appear and unpaid court fines.

As far as accidents go, Emergency Management Coordinator Steve Mild stated in a news update Sunday morning: "I checked with SAPD and they stated there were no weather related accidents or events that occurred last night, and the Sheriff's Office advised the same.”

Mild also said that no additional precipitation is expected over the next few days.

Thirteen inmates were released from the jail on Sunday. 

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