Multiple Motor Vehicle Accidents Plague Loop 306


San Angelo streets were the city’s worst nightmare again Saturday night, as patches of black ice became the woe of motorists.

At approximately 12:15 a.m., a female student driving a champagne colored Jeep heading east on Loop 306 hit a slick spot and rolled near the College Hills exit, doing devastating damage to the vehicle.

The driver, born in ’93, was transported to the hospital shortly after an ambulance arrived at 12:20. Officers on the scene stated that she had complained of minor pains, but that no serious injuries were reported.

The driver is believed to have been wearing a seatbelt. A friend driving a vehicle behind her stopped to render aid. Police say the female driver reported having lost control on the Loop’s slippery surface.

A few minutes later, at approximately 12:50, a white Ford Ranger heading east on Loop 306 just before the Howard St. exit lost control on the ice and slid into the guardrail on the bridge.

The driver was not injured and the vehicle suffered only minor damage on the front left side.

Several other accidents were reported around the same time.

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