As of August 2013 San Angelo’s unemployment rate is reported to be 5.1 percent. The number is relatively high in comparison to past years, however both the oil and gas industry and the service industry are seeing increases in employment opportunities.
“A lot of things are entered into that number,” said Cathy Ballard, Director of Planning at Concho Valley Workforce Development Board.
The percentage is based on a labor force of 56,686 in which 2870 of these people are unemployed. The total number excludes non-civilian labor such as agriculture and military positions.
Ballard said, “There are people who come here without a job in order to look for employment in our area and that puts them in the denominator.” She said this situation accounts for about half of the unemployment rate.
“The people we are seeing that are new to town--many of them are looking for jobs in the oil and gas field,” Ballard said.
According to San Angelo’s Metropolitan Statistical Area Report, the majority of jobs in Tom Green County come from the government, followed by the industries of trade, transportation, and utilities.
Ballard noted that the jobs being created by the oil industry are not all directly oil related.
“Some of them [employment opportunities] are jobs that people have left to go to oil and gas,” she said.
In order to keep up with the demand of the oil industry, additional service jobs are developing.
“More jobs are being created in retail, at restaurants, but also administrative positions are being created...if people have needs, that causes other jobs to be created,” Ballard said.
Ballard’s statements are based on the observations of Concho Valley Workforce Development Board.
The board was established in response to the 1996 passing of the Texas House Bill 1863. The board is responsible for “The planning, oversight and evaluation of all public employment programs. This includes administration of the Workforce Investment Act Funds, and other federal funds for Child Care, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Food Stamp recipients, to get them into the workforce and off public assistance.”
For more information on the Concho Valley Workforce Development Board visit
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