Fort Concho Ghost Tours


Those wanting to experience history in a new light have the opportunity as Fort Concho offers its annual special night tours of the site on Oct. 28-29.

Refreshments and orientation will start at 8 p.m. at the Barracks 1 Visitor Center, 630 S. Oakes St., both evenings. These special tours will show the fort and some interiors in the evening darkness.

Guides will share stories about the post and note some of the soldiers who died while serving at Fort Concho.

The West Texas Paranormal Research group will again be on hand to show visitors some of their findings and explain paranormal investigating techniques. Visitors are encouraged to bring their digital devices and search for paranormal evidence.

The tours on Monday, Oct. 28, will be self-guided; prices are $5 for adults and $3 for seniors, military members and students. The tours on Tuesday, Oct. 29, will be guided, with ticket prices of $8 for adults and $6 for seniors, military members and students.

Tickets can be purchased at the Fort Concho Visitor Center prior to the event. Space for the guided tours will be limited. 

For more information, call Cory Robinson at Fort Concho at (325) 657-4444.


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