Cowboy Kicked in the Head Makes Epic Return to San Angelo Rodeo

SAN ANGELO, TX — Saturday Night’s 3rd performance at the San Angelo Rodeo was one to remember as the Saddle Bronc riders stole the show. The Broncos seemed packed full of pent-up aggression and energy all throughout the event. The rough stock jumped, bucked, and kicked with enough power to send any decent cowboy to the moon. However, as impressive as the rough stock performed, the cowboys looked even better.

Rodeo royalty showed out early when brothers Ryder and Statler Wright both posted qualifying rides. Ryder rode the bronco, “Miss Bond,” in a battle that saw him achieve an 83.5 and the top score so far at the San Angelo Rodeo. Then, younger brother Statler tried his luck on the bronco, “Pin Cup.” Statler also achieved victory, and the judges initially awarded him with an 

82.5. In a strange turn of events, the judges changed his score to 83.5, tying the two brothers in the top spot. The Wright’s looked unbeatable until South Dakota Native Cash Wilson stole the competition right out from underneath them. Wilson scored an 84 on the bronco, “Downtown,” to take the overall lead.

Although the competition on Saturday night was entertainment at its finest, everyone loves a good comeback story. One year ago at the San Angelo Rodeo, Canadian Cowboy Lucas Macza finished his Saddle Bronc ride, and as the pickup men helped him off his horse, the still agitated bronco kicked him in the head, knocking the cowboy out cold. On Saturday night, Macza returned to San Angelo to complete his comeback. He rode the bronco, “Shanghi,” expertly to score an 82.5 and finished his night in the top 10.

San Angelo LIVE!’s Matt Trammell found Macza after his event and spoke at length about his comeback. Be sure to check out the full interview here. It’s the Saddle Bronc Riding presented by Indeco Industrial Electric.

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