Native San Angelo Barrel Racer Makes Home Crowd Go Wild

SAN ANGELO, TX — After a rough first performance at times on opening night, several cowboys and cowgirls showed the crowd how it’s supposed to be done during Saturday’s Matinee performance when they scored high marks in almost all competitions.

Fireworks with the rough stock shot the competition off with a bang as Gauge McBride posted an 82.5 on a wild and crazy “Pocahontas” on his way to the top 5. Headed into Saturday night’s performance, McBrides climbed up the ranks to 4th place.

We also had three new additions to the top 5 in the Barrel Racing as the Cowgirls blazed through their respective runs. Kaycee Killingsworth took the lead when she and her horse ran a 14.25. However, just three riders later, Wenda Johnson wrestled that lead away from Killingsworth with a 14.23. Kara Kreder rounded out the top 5 when she claimed 4th place with a run of 14.42 seconds.

Finally, a San Angelo native wowed the crowd during Barrel Racing. Taylor Baize, a member of the Texas Tech Rodeo team, took off when it was her turn and, after clearing the run without a hitch, posted a 14.63. San Angelo LIVE!’s Matt Trammell caught up with Baize after her event and asked her how it felt to ride in front of her home crowd. Watch the full interview here.

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