SAN ANGELO, TX - The Texas ProRodeo Circuit has named the San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo the "Large Rodeo Committee of the Year" for 2024.
The award recognizes the outstanding contributions of rodeo committees that enhance the professional rodeo experience for both participants and spectators. San Angelo’s rodeo committee claimed first place in the large rodeo category, topping events like West of the Pecos Rodeo and Rodeo Austin, which took second and third place, respectively.
In the medium rodeo category, the Coleman PRCA Rodeo received the top honor. The Mount Pleasant Rodeo and Liberty Hill Pro Rodeo placed second and third.
The awards also highlighted the efforts of small rodeo committees, with Goliad County Fair & PRCA Rodeo earning first place. Wichita Falls PRCA Rodeo and Comal County Fair & Rodeo rounded out the top three in the small rodeo division.
These annual awards, organized by the Texas ProRodeo Circuit, are part of the larger PRCA ProRodeo Circuit system and are designed to honor excellence in rodeo event organization.
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