San Angelo Rodeo Parade Set to Begin Rodeo Season, Rain or Shine


SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo Rodeo Parade marks the beginning of the rodeo season and will take place on April 6 at 10 a.m., rain or shine.

According to information released, the event will be hosted in San Angelo's historic downtown area and offer a lineup of attractions, including riding clubs, antique tractors, wagons, marching bands, and floats. 

Entries are free, and those interested in being part of the procession can find sign-up details on the official website. The deadline for entries is March 29.

ADA-accessible parking will be available, a feature made possible through collaboration with San Angelo Advocacy for Access.

Handicapped accessible parking will be available at M.L. Leddy's parking lot at 222 S. Oakes St. on a first-come, first-served basis.

For additional information on the parade and other rodeo activities, visit

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