San Angelo Rodeo Ambassador Knocked Out by Horse at Roping Fiesta


SAN ANGELO, TX — A cowgirl was injured this past weekend at the San Angelo Cinch Roping Fiesta.

According to the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association, Halli Kay, of Water Valley, was flown to Cook’s Medical Center after a horse reared up and hit her in the mouth.

"When her horse reared up, her horse's head hit her in the face, which appeared to knock her out," claims a rodeo fan on Facebook. "She landed on the back of her neck and shoulder and didn't move, which gave me the impression she was knocked out."

As a result of the accident, Halli is missing five teeth and has multiple fractures to her face, jaw, and vertebrae.

A GoFundMe has been set up to help the 15-year-old and her family. To donate, click here.

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