Texas Governor Rick Perry on A&M Chancellor, Dade Phelan, and Donald Trump

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry was in San Angelo on June 30, 2024. Here's our interview with him. Topics:

  • 00:20 The tenure of John Sharp as Chancellor of the Texas A&M University System as Sharp announced his retirement. 
  • 01:48 Gov. Perry offers insight into the kind of leader who can be successful replacing Sharp as chancellor and discusses two candidate possibilities.
  • 03:58 Perry on why he endorsed #TxLege Speaker of the Texas House @DadePhelan 
  • 07:20 Perry on not allowing Democrats to chair committees in the Texas House.
  • 08:10 Perry on private school vouchers and school choice
  • 09:40 Perry on will Phelan's speakership survive?
  • 11:34 President @realDonaldTrump is the biggest political story of the decade
  • 11:58 Perry's experience running against Trump for president in 2015
  • 12:50 Perry on what Trump is really like when the cameras aren't rolling
  • 13:18 Perry on the results Trump accomplished when he was president
  • 14:15 The dangers of the Biden/Harris Open Border policy
  • 15:17 Why American voters should choose Trump over Kamala Harris
  • 16:09 What it was like to work with President Donald Trump as the Secretary of Energy from 2017-2020.
  • 17:24 Rick Perry makes his predictions about the November 5, 2024 election. Will Trump win?
  • 17:50 Perry tears apart the Kamala Harris policies

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