WATCH: How August Pfluger is supporting border communities and farmers

SAN ANGELO, TX –  Congressman August Pfluger talks about the Border Crisis and what he is fighting for in Washington during an exclusive interview at the West Texas Legislative Summit.

"A big problem were are seeing right now in Texas is that a significant part of the State, especially the population living on the border, feels abandoned by the Federal Government.," Pfluger explains. "These people are facing dangers in terms of violence, drugs, and property damage as the influx of illegal imagrats seems to never end." August Pfluger has attempted to support this neglected population by reallocating federally issued COVID healthcare funds to those Texas whose property has been destroyed by the migrants and their cartels. 

The Congressman is also concerned about the tax plans of the Democrat party. "The proposed tax laws are going to raise the tax rates of all of America but will effect Texans more than anyone," say Pfluger. The Congressman speaks of an issue that will cripple ranchers, a bill which places a capital gains "like" tax on top of an inheritance tax. Pfluger explains that "this  system would force the children of Ranchers to sell the family farm upon the death of their parents simply to pay off its taxes." The same could apply to a family business as it passed down as well. The Congressman says we need to support or Agricultural Community and our families.

And finally, speaking on the future of the Federal Government, the Congressman seems assured the house will flip come the midterm election. "The Republicans will take control of the House in 2022."

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