WATCH: Pfluger Blows Up on John Kerry Over Energy
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) questioned “Climate Czar” John Kerry in a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing Wednesday.
During Pfluger’s questioning, Kerry admitted that wind and solar energy do not make a reliable base load of energy to meet energy needs further underscoring the national security importance of the oil and gas industry.
The following is the transcripts from the conversation:
“Mr. Secretary, for the first time in 70 years, our country is energy independent. It’s a lever of power, it’s national security. Energy security is national security.
“So you’ve mentioned that we need to take steps, we have taken steps as you’ve clearly highlighted today from being 15% [harmful emissions] down to 11% – that’s huge.
“Do you believe that wind and solar can provide baseload capacity for this country?”
“Not alone.”
“No, that’s absolutely right. We saw it in Texas during the winter storms and we’ve seen it in California.”
The Texas Republicans in charge need to realize that they did a horrible job during the BIG FREEZE. I guess Rep. August is getting with the secretary (after he tries to "trump" him a little) to fix that rather serious problem. No baseload at all then, eh, Rep.? These R's are running out of bad things to support, and they are tone-deaf to history. Kerry eventually says, "in time YES" in that clip. I can imagine Joe fumbling around and spilling coffee on the console, trying to hit STOP on the video machine, so Kerry can't respond. Classic.
They are currently LYING to THEMSELVES about FRUMPY THE FREAKIN' CLOWN. The worst loser in history is his legacy. People are saying, a lot of people, that he is a worse loser than the Donald Trump of the nineties. Legacy includes as well 500, 000 folks deceased, two impeachments, a big sack of lies, and one Stormy Daniels.
I hate to gloat, but if the Republican party gets drawn, quartered, thowed in the back of the truck, and gets used for kindling, well, I won't mind. Good riddance to cult worshipping idiots.
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