J. Ross Lacy on Immigration, Trump, and Winning the Republican Primary for Congressman

SAN ANGELO, TX — Former Midland City Councilman and candidate for the Republican nod for the November election for the 11 Congressional District U.S. House Representative J. Ross Lacy said we need legal immigration reform to reduce the pressure on the Texas-Mexico border.

“The individuals who are working, paying taxes, and want to contribute to our society — we need to welcome them. We’ve got to get more people here because right now you’re seeing historically low unemployment rates,” Lacy said.

On the other hand, illegal immigration is a problem, Lacy maintained.

“Illegal immigration is bankrupting this country,” Lacy said. Illegal immigrants fall into the U.S. social welfare net from Medicaid to free public schooling. Lacy wants to build the wall but maintains the wall will not solve the problem completely. At the same time, Lacy is wary of imminent domain that will likely be needed by the federal government to finish the wall.

Lacy sees the illegal immigration solution in the same light as counternarcotics. The amount of illegal narcotics pouring across the border is a big problem for the entire district, Lacy said.

“It is a District 11 issue,” Lacy said of drugs and border security. Lacy said he wants the federal government to more aggressively fund and execute border security.

Lacy is an unapologetic supporter of President Donald Trump. He views the impeachment as a scam. Trump has delivered everything he promised during the 2016 election, Lacy said. Lacy predicts the Democrats will lose the U.S. House in 2020 in part because of the impeachment “sham.”

“This impeachment inquiry was a complete sham against President Trump,” Lacy said.

Lacy said he estimates 98 percent of Republicans in CD-11 support President Trump.

With 10 candidates running for the nomination, Lacy predicts the Republican primary March 3 will result in a runoff. “We’re going until May 26,” Lacy predicted. May 26 is the date for the runoff election. Lacy said campaigns will need to raise and spend at least $1 million each. At the end of the 3rd quarter of 2019, the last public report on congressional campaign finances, Lacy had raised $144,336.03. He declared is candidacy on Aug. 8, 2019. August Pfluger had raised $704,910 at the end of the 3rd quarter last year. The candidate in third place as far as fundraising goes was Dr. Richard Bartlett with $22,620.81.

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