Republican Lawmaker Proposes Bill to Seize Control of Austin


AUSTIN, TX — A new bill introduced in the Texas Legislature could transfer control of Austin to the state, creating a “District of Austin” under state governance.

State Rep. Briscoe Cain, R-Deer Park, filed House Bill 274 ahead of the 89th legislative session, reigniting a debate that has surfaced in previous sessions without success.

Cain cited rising homicide rates, governance issues, and public safety concerns as reasons for the proposal.

“Our state employees and visitors to the Capitol deserve to feel safe,” Cain said in a statement. “The City of Austin has failed to govern responsibly, and its negligence endangers those who come here to serve Texans and our constituents.”

Austin has experienced fluctuating homicide rates in recent years. In 2021, the city recorded 88 homicides, a peak that translated to nine deaths per 100,000 residents. While the numbers have since declined slightly, Austin has seen 65 homicides this year, nearing last year’s total of 73, according to the Austin Police Department.

The bill would establish the district within Austin’s existing boundaries, but the state legislature would hold the power to amend or repeal ordinances. Any changes to the district’s charter would require approval from the Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House.

Cain has introduced similar legislation in the past, including in 2021, but the bills failed to advance. State Rep. Jared Patterson, R-Frisco, proposed a similar measure in 2023, which also stalled in committee.

“A District of Austin will keep residents and visitors safe," Cain stated. 

The resolution would require a constitutional amendment, meaning it must pass both legislative chambers with a two-thirds majority and win approval from voters. 

If enacted, the District of Austin would take effect on Jan. 1, 2026. The 89th legislative session begins Jan. 14.

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MAGA, Thu, 12/05/2024 - 09:28

When you run the capital like California what do you expect?? It's no wonder all the Californians moved there, it feels like LA to them. High crime, overpriced property and 45 minute waits at red lights. Sounds just like LA

When one considers the paucity of cogent thought in the Texas Lege, this proposal transcends idiotic.

Why should we be surprised at this foolishness?

It's about time the capital was brought under the control of the government of Texas. As it stands, the area serves as an imperial beachhead for the American elites to impose their lifestyles upon the Texan nation.

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