Rep. Pfluger and Rep. Calvert Visit Goodfellow AFB, Emphasize Importance of Upgrades


SAN ANGELO, TX — Congressman August Pfluger (R-TX) and Congressman Ken Calvert (R-CA) visited Goodfellow Air Force Base on Monday, Sept. 16, for an official tour and media availability. 

The visit showed the strategic importance of the base and the urgent need for facility upgrades to accommodate its growing role in U.S. military intelligence training.

During the press conference, Rep. Pfluger emphasized the base’s critical mission in training airmen, soldiers, sailors, and Marines, noting that the base has trained over 300,000 intelligence professionals who are now serving in various branches of the military and intelligence agencies, including the CIA and NSA. 

“Goodfellow is foundational in this business,” Pfluger said, praising the base’s contribution to national security.

Rep. Calvert, Chair of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, echoed these sentiments, stressing the importance of intelligence training in maintaining national security and preventing conflict. 

“Intelligence keeps us out of wars,” Calvert said, adding that facility upgrades, including new dormitories and modern training spaces, are critical to supporting the base’s mission.

The congressmen addressed ongoing efforts to secure funding for these upgrades, particularly the construction of a new dormitory for 400 personnel, set to begin in 2026. 

Rep. Pfluger also highlighted the need for updated classified workspaces. 

Both congressmen praised the partnership between the San Angelo community and Goodfellow Air Force Base, with Pfluger thanking local residents for their ongoing support of military personnel.

The visit comes as the military continues to prioritize readiness in an increasingly dangerous global security environment, with ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, instability in the Middle East, and tensions with China.

You can watch the entire press briefing here: 

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