Rep. Pfluger’s Team Closes 3,000 Cases, Recovers $9.4M for 11th District of Texas


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman August Pfluger announced Tuesday that his district staff has achieved a "monumental milestone" in their service to the constituents of the 11th District of Texas.

Texas's 11th congressional district of the United States House of Representatives is in the midwestern portion of the state of Texas, stretching from the Permian Basin through the Hill Country. Major cities in the district include Andrews, Midland, Odessa, San Angelo, Killeen, and Brownwood.

According to information from Pfluger's office, his staff, "through their tireless efforts," have successfully closed 3,000 cases, resulting in the return of $9.4 million to the community. 

This is money that federal agencies like the IRS, Social Security Administration, and VA failed to deliver,  according to Pfluger's office. 

"I am incredibly proud of my district staff and their commitment to the citizens of Texas-11," Pfluger said. "Every day, they work to obtain the hard-earned benefits and services of Americans from various federal agencies. Closing over 3,000 cases and returning $9.4 million dollars is a testament to their service and dedication to seeing our communities thrive.

"We have six district offices across Texas-11 open full-time working on issues like recovering lost social security checks, restoring rightful benefits and assistance for veterans, and cutting through bureaucratic red tape," he said. "Their work directly and positively impacts the lives of those we serve. It is an honor to work on your behalf advancing the policy priorities of our district and helping to secure relief."

The services provided by Congressman Pfluger's district staff include a wide range of assistance, from helping veterans navigate the complexities of the VA to resolving issues related to Social Security, the IRS, and more.

"As the representative for the 11th District of Texas, Congressman Pfluger remains resolute in his commitment to addressing the needs and concerns of his community," information from his office stated. "The exceptional work of his district staff is an embodiment of this commitment, and their dedication sets a high standard for public service."

For assistance from Pfluger’s office, visit his website

To learn more information about Pfluger and his work for the 11th District of Texas, sign up for the Pfluger Fly-By newsletter at

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