Sid Miller Was There When Trump Went Down


SAN ANGELO, TX — Texas Department of Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller swung by the San Angelo LIVE! Studio on Thursday to talk about his first-hand experience while on stage during the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump on July 13, as well as a number of other issues facing Texans today.

Texas Department of Agriculture Sid Miller with Joe Hyde in the San Angelo LIVE! Studio

Texas Department of Agriculture Sid Miller with Joe Hyde in the San Angelo LIVE! Studio

(San Angelo LIVE! Photo)

In addition to the first-hand account, Sid Miller discussed the water shortage in Texas, the Republic National Convention, Texas' role in Milwaukee, his bus that features some funny political rhetoric, and how the cotton farming prospects look this year. 

Join us on our LIVE! Daily News Show on Thursday afternoon, July 25, to hear Joe Hyde interview Sid Miller. The show is streamed live every day on our social media platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, X, and

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