Hear the Best Policy Discussion Ever with Donald Trump


SAN ANGELO, TX — The episode of the All In Podcast released today featuring former President Donald Trump delves into a wide array of policy topics, showcasing his views and critiques on current affairs. Here's a summary of the key points discussed:

  • National Debt and Spending: Trump emphasized the necessity of the significant spending at the pandemic's onset in March 2020 to prevent a depression. He contrasted this with President Biden's spending, which he claims has harmed the economy and contributed to inflation. Trump believes the inflation problem wouldn't have occurred under his administration.
  • Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Trump criticized Biden's handling of foreign policy, particularly regarding Russia and Ukraine. He expressed concerns that Biden's approach might lead to war and outlined the challenges in maintaining peace in the region.
  • Israel and Palestine: Trump highlighted his administration's achievements, including the Abraham Accords, which he claims brought peace to the Middle East. He criticized Biden for not building on these agreements and suggested that the October 7th attack on Israel would not have happened if he were still in office.


The podcast offers an in-depth look at Trump's policy perspectives and his critiques of the current administration, providing listeners with a comprehensive understanding of his stances on various issues.

How to listen to the All In Podcast:

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I'm not saying that what Israel is doing isn't genocide, I'm just saying that WWII happened long, long ago, on a peninsula far, far away. Maybe Meskins should wake up every morning and lament La Malinche being taken advantage of by Cortez. Maybe Native Americans should demand monuments in every major city that address the inhuman brutality of America's expansion. Like, just go stand in front of neighbor's houses and cry. Making skin suits out of whoever lost the fight was Aztec tradition? Keep the secret!

Maybe our representatives should quit sending all of our money to help Our Greatest Gaslighter & Complainer.

I don't believe the Hamas propaganda that Israel is committing genocide because majority of the Palestinians are Hamas which their goal is to eradicate the Jews.

If you choose to believe the Israeli chutzpah-ganda about defending themselves from a brotherhood of feral Islamic humanists that are always hiding in the crowds of Palestinian children and elderly widows they regularly vaporize, fine. Let's not pay for it, though.

Let's also ask ourselves why we're encouraged to discount entirely the pleas and grievances of the weaker party in this conflict our resources are drawn into, and question, who, specifically, is directing our attention away from those cries for mercy and justice—and what they have to gain by doing so.

Which is not to show ingratitude on my part towards the nation that took in our bewildered policepersons from across the country and demonstrated how they can use the same tactics that Israel uses upon the Palestinian people on the citizenry of the States. Also, tell Bibi, warrior king of Israel, that Ye and myself said "Wassam."

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