Police Chief Runoff Participation Outpacing May 4 Election


SAN ANGELO, TX — According to the Tom Green County Elections Office, 587 people voted on Friday, bringing the total number of ballots cast during early voting to 3,124 by the close of polls at 5 p.m. on June 7.

During the May 4 election, 3,277 early votes were cast, along with 772 absentee ballots. On Election Day, 2,590 citizens voted, totaling 6,639 ballots cast.

There are two more days remaining for early voting before runoff election day on June 15. Early voting continues on Monday and Tuesday, June 10 and 11, from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. at the Edd B. and Frances Frink Keyes Building, 113 W. Beauregard Ave., downtown.

If the pace of early voting continues, early turnout for the runoff could exceed the original election’s absentee and early voting turnout by approximately 200-300 voters.

Mike Hernandez faces Travis Griffith in the runoff to determine the next San Angelo Police Chief, as current Chief Frank Carter is retiring. The next chief will serve a three-year term, not four, due to the City of San Angelo realigning the police chief election to be two years apart from the mayoral election instead of one.

Election Day is June 15 from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. On Election Day, voters can cast their ballots at any of the 18 voting centers, including centers outside the city limits in Grape Creek and Christoval. However, you must be registered to vote at an address inside the city limits to participate in this election.

For background including the recent history of the unique-to-San Angelo elected police chief position, issues, strategies, and tactics related to the current election, don't miss the long form exposé with daily dispatches titled, The Police Chief Chronicles.

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