Retired Lieutenant Endorses Hernandez for Police Chief


SAN ANGELO, TX - Retired Texas Department of Public Safety Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Lieutenant John “Skipper” Hunt endorses Lieutenant Mike Hernandez for San Angelo Police Chief. 

Hernandez is running against Sergeant Travis Griffith, and they will meet in a runoff election on June 15, 2024, because no candidate received over 50% of the votes cast. 

Below is the letter Hunt submitted to San Angelo LIVE!  

“The May 4th race for the San Angelo Police Department Chief ended in a runoff election," Hunt stated. "A new chief will be decided on Saturday, June 15th. I would like to ask the voters of San Angelo to turn out in record numbers and join me in pushing Lieutenant Mike Hernandez decisively across the finish line. Early voting started Monday, June 3rd, and goes through Tuesday, June 11th.  As I stated in my endorsement letter before the generation election, I have known Mike since 2002, when I transferred to San Angelo as the Commercial Vehicle Lieutenant for the Texas Department of Public Safety. During the time that I worked around Mike before I retired in 2010, I found him to possess those desired traits that make him most qualified for that position. In my opinion, Mike’s morals, experience, and integrity make him the best candidate to lead the S.A.P.D.” 

Early Voting Schedule:

  • June 3-7: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • June 10-11: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Early voting will take place at the Edd B. and Frances Frink Keyes Building, located at 113 W. Beauregard Ave.

San Angelo LIVE! accepts letters of endorsement and letters to the editor for all candidates in all races. They can be emailed to [email protected].  

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