SAN ANGELO, Texas – A local attorney has written a testimonial for publication on behalf of Mike Hernandez for San Angelo Chief of Police.
The San Angelo City Council is set to canvass results from the May 4, 2024 municipal election this Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at a public meeting at 8:30 a.m. If the final, official results canvassed at that meeting reflect the same unofficial results, Mike Hernandez and Travis Griffith will meet again in a runoff election on June 15, 2024 because no candidate received over 50% of the votes cast.
Below is the letter submitted by Hemphill to San Angelo LIVE!
San Angelo LIVE! is accepting letters of endorsement and letters to the editor for all candidates in all races. They can be emailed to [email protected].
Attorney John B. Hemphill's testimonial is below:
"As a young attorney, I worked as a felony prosecutor here in Tom Green County and also in Presidio, Jeff Davis and Brewster Counties. I worked hand in hand with many different state and federal law enforcement officers putting together and prosecuting felony cases. While living on the border of Mexico, I handled many different types of felony cases. The best law enforcement officers who brought me the solid cases that I could prosecute had a depth of personal experience on their jobs and knew how to put good cases together. After reviewing the credentials of the candidates for San Angelo's Chief of Police office, I would have worked the best with Mike Hernandez because of his depth and breadth of experience in law enforcement. I will always remember the work I did and enjoyed on the side of law enforcement and I believe Mike Hernandez takes that same pleasure in his work."
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"I legelleh inform you dat you hab teh right to vote for Spike Fernandez right meow, or else."
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PermalinkYou know you aren't supposed to trust lawyers right Yantis? If anyone should have experience in this it would be you sir!
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PermalinkReminds me of Adam Reposa's videos.
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PermalinkIs this Attorney's endorsement Joe's admission that there will be a Run-off? How will the public know when Vona announces the Runn-off?
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