25 Governors Side with Texas Against the Feds Over Biden's Border Crisis


AUSTIN – In a display of solidarity, twenty-five Republican governors have thrown their weight behind Texas Governor Greg Abbott as he defies a U.S. Supreme Court order regarding the removal of razor wire along the United States-Mexico border in Eagle Pass, Texas.

Governor Abbott took to social media on Tuesday, announcing that the Texas National Guard would persist in "holding the line" at Eagle Pass. In a subsequent statement released on Wednesday, Abbott accused the Biden administration of shirking its responsibility to enforce immigration laws, claiming it had "broken the compact" between states and the federal government. He has garnered support from at least 25 governors who agree with his classification of immigration as an "invasion" and his invocation of "Texas' constitutional authority to defend and protect itself."

A column published in The Philadelphia Inquirer on Thursday by Will Bunch drew parallels between the potential standoff at Eagle Pass and historical events, with some online commenters likening it to the situation at Fort Sumter, North Carolina, that triggered the Civil War. Bunch, however, suggested another comparison, stating, "Abbott's reckless, cruelty-is-the-point policies and his defiant stand are also posing the greatest threat to federal authority since the South's 'massive resistance' in the 1950s and '60s to the Supreme Court's landmark Brown v. Board of Ed ruling that mandated school integration."

Bunch warned that if President Biden were to back down at Eagle Pass, the country would face an uncertain future, paraphrasing with a nod to former President Trump.

Abbott, in his statement, cited the U.S. Constitution and invoked the principles of founding fathers James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. He pointed to Article IV, Section 4, which promises federal protection against "invasion," and Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3, recognizing a state's "sovereign interest" in protecting its borders. Abbott argued:

"The failure of the Biden administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, § 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this state the right of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas' constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary. The Texas National Guard, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and other Texas personnel are acting on that authority, as well as state law, to secure the Texas border."

Following Abbott's statement, several GOP governors reshared it on social media with messages of support. Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, echoing the sentiment, wrote on Wednesday, "Virginia stands with Texas," arguing that "the Biden administration has turned every state into a border state."

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CGM5, Fri, 01/26/2024 - 16:28

Are there any democrats or biden supporters out there that would like to step up and defend their party by explaining what biden's endgame with the border is? Is there anyone that voted for biden and will probably vote for him again that would please explain to us the reason biden wants an open border, ANYONE?

They don't see America as a great, or even "good" nation. For them, America is defined primarily by racism, exploitation, systemic injustice, and hatred. They come from a multicultural era and see no connection between traditional American culture and themselves.

Keep in mind that generation Z is less white than previous generations and spent most of its formative years under the Obama administration. The disloyalty manifested by this latest generation of voters is an attribute of their collective character which, on the whole, was shaped directly by the policies and propaganda of previous generations of leftists—particularly Boomer leftists.

For them, Trump is a holdover from the previous era of covert fascism that has defined America essentially since its beginning. He represents a country which did not deserve to exist in the first place and thus stole that existence from many perceived innocents throughout its history. This is why they slander Trump while cheering as hordes of who-knows-who come pouring over the border into the soon to be former-United-States.

Just a reinforcement of information before you get a bunch of disinformation from the blue donkey brigade.

CGM5, Sat, 01/27/2024 - 15:28

I 100% agree with you on your answer. I just wanted to see if any biden supporters would dare try to give a reasonable answer to my question. All they know is ORANGE MAN BAD!. Myself and many others can recite a list of biden's screwups that have harmed this country and put its citizens in danger. They can't even give you a legit answer to why they hate Trump. All you ever hear is how they feel about him. Below is a good example.

Oh, it's not just about feelings at this point. There's a coherent anti-American ideology at work now. Right of center, we call this ideology "Wokism." It's not going away on its own, or even peacefully, and it may take significant tracts of land with it before the century closes. Maybe sooner.

They have plenty of rational answers to give for why they support the policies they do or don't enforce the laws they don't. They're not giving those answers because those answers are undemocratic and treasonous.

CGM5, Fri, 01/26/2024 - 16:40

Something that is frightening to think about is, it appears many of biden's supporters hate Trump more than they love their country.

It is our love for our country that drives us to utterly despise that vile soulless scum Trump.

By the way, kudos to the E. Jean Carroll jury.

CGM5, Sat, 01/27/2024 - 15:38

Seems strange to me that this trial happened 30 years after the attack was supposed to have happened and during the election year. How convenient!

Why is nothing ever mentioned about all the videos showing biden touching little girls and sniffing their hair? Nothing is mentioned, how convenient.

The Hollywood Access video clearly depicts the creature that Trump is.  He is a sexist pig and apparently unashamedly proud of it.  His declaration of his nature tells me that Ms. Carroll is deserving of every nickel the court has assigned, and further indicates that he is a pathetic example of male humanity.  In truth, he is a pathetic example of humanity in general.

Get a grip.  He's filth.

There are countless videos on multiple websites of your "Saviour" Joe Biden sniffing childrens hair, claiming he has blonde hair on his shins to children(YUKK!!), and plenty of other video evidence he has a thing for MINORS yet you're totally fine with it. You must prefer the minors yourself. Otherwise there is no reason why you would support a pedophile like him. Please feel free to explain to us how you don't have a thing for young ones... we're waiting

After trying to avoid using the word "stupid" to describe you and your childish language, the evidence supporting the use of that descriptor is overwhelming.  It seems it is what it is.

And you are what you are. A BIDEN loving commie fuck. The end.. oh wait i forgot the passive aggressive "PEACE" that you use ... lol as if

I chuckle... really.  I doubt you suspect how much your childishly obscene, moronic claptrap amuses me.  Thanks for the laugh.

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