SAN ANGELO – Veteran Tom Green County Sheriff's Office Criminal Investigator Gary Cole announced his candidacy for the Republican nominee for Tom Green County Constable Pct. 4 on the steps of the Courthouse Tuesday evening.
Cole served for over a decade as the cellphone forensics investigator for the Tom Green Co. Sheriff's office before going to work for the Howard County Sheriff's Office to create a Street Crimes Division.
Cole credited former Tom Green Co. Sheriff David Jones for giving him the opportunity to work in cellphone forensics and he knows the value of teamwork. Watch the video below:
Gary Cole was joined by his wife and daughter and dozens of supporters for his announcement Tuesday.
There are four elected Constables in Tom Green County; one for each Commissioner Precinct. The position of County Constable was created by the Texas Constitution. They serve four year terms. Constables serve papers for the Justice of the Peace Courts and their role has been expanded by the legislature in recent sessions to include evictions and other high risk assignments.
According to the Texas Association of Counties, Texas constables and their deputies are law enforcement officers who generally have the same powers as police officers but also have added responsibilities in civil law processes.
Constables serve as bailiffs (court security) in justice of the peace courts and serve civil papers on their behalf. That means they deliver court papers to parties in a case, such as subpoenas, injunctions, and restraining orders.
Much like police officers and sheriffs, constables usually have their own dedicated patrol vehicles and uniforms. They may serve warrants, issue traffic tickets, and arrest suspects on probable cause.
Duties of Constables:
By law, other duties of Texas constables include:
- seizing property with a court order
- executing writs of garnishment
- confiscating illegally placed outdoor signs
- impounding cruelly-treated animals
- summoning persons to jury duty
- running truancy programs.
Off-duty constables may serve eviction notices out of uniform as a “private process server.”
The primary election for the 15 offices including Constable Pct. 4 up for election in Tom Green County is Tuesday, March 5, 2024. The general election is Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. The winner of the general election will be sworn into office on January 1, 2025. The last day to file for a place on the primary ballot is Monday, Dec. 11, 2023.

Gary Cole for TCG Constable 4 (LIVE! Photo Yantis Green)
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