Darby Announces Bid for Re-election


SAN ANGELO – Representative Drew Darby of San Angelo officially announced his intention Friday to seek re-election to the Texas House of Representatives, reaffirming his commitment to serving the constituents of House District 72.

Since taking office, Representative Darby has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to the Concho Valley and West Texas. His efforts have resulted in significant achievements such as expanding access to crucial mental health services, securing additional funding for public education, supporting both retired and active teachers, safeguarding the state’s valuable energy industry, protecting our children, and championing major pro-life initiatives.

Expressing his deep gratitude for the privilege of representing and advocating for the families and businesses of House District 72, Representative Darby stated, “I am honored to be the voice for the Concho Valley and West Texas at the Capitol. As a lifelong resident of West Texas, I understand firsthand the challenges and opportunities our communities face, and I am committed to upholding our rural conservative values.”

During the recent 88th Legislative Session, Representative Darby worked hard to pass a wide range of meaningful conservative policies. His efforts were instrumental in securing $5.1 billion for enhanced border security, enacting a ban on harmful gender modification treatments for minors, implementing measures to restrict children’s exposure to sexually explicit performances and materials, and passing a fiscally responsible budget that remains well below spending limits.

Additionally, Representative Darby has been a stalwart advocate for measures aimed at alleviating the burden of skyrocketing property taxes and bolstering the state’s public education system. He has been influential in increasing the state’s share of public education spending to over 50%, reflecting his steadfast commitment to investing in the future of Texas students and teachers and ensuring that Texas taxpayers are not footing the whole bill. In the ongoing special session, Representative Darby continues to work diligently to further reduce the property tax burden on hardworking Texas homeowners, renters, and businesses.

Outside of the legislature, Drew is a successful small business owner with multiple offices across West Texas. Alongside his wife, Clarisa, he is a devoted family man, blessed with five children and ten grandchildren. Both Drew and Clarisa are active members of the First Presbyterian Church of San Angelo, exemplifying their commitment to faith and community.

Texas House District 72 includes Coke, Coleman, Concho, Glasscock, Howard, Irion, Reagan, Runnels, Sterling, and Tom Green counties

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AR15, Sat, 07/08/2023 - 13:15

“ I am all about upholding West Texas conservative rural values“

With that said, let’s see what committees he is actually on. Is it the agriculture and livestock committee?  No. Is it the appropriations committee? No. Is it the homeland security committee?  No. Is it the land and resource management committee?  No. Is it the natural resources committee?  No.
Actually, Drew is on the criminal jurisprudence committee, the energy resources committee and the redistricting committee in which he is the chair. 

GMann, Sat, 07/08/2023 - 20:23

Remember when Drew was pushing the Shannon takeover, telling how great it will be to have only One Medical facility for San Angelo and the surrounding area ? All the the doctors now have to follow the guidelines of Shannon or leave............ which a lot of them have by the way .......... Shannon is critically short of surgeons and does is not having much success obtaining any that will work for the lower wages that Shannon offers. Perhaps he has forgotten what the care was like when we had a choice .

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