Be Theatre Doubles-Down on Kid-Friendly Drag Queen Show


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Board President of the Be Theatre Mike Burnett along with the company's Artistic Director Sidney Timmer and Managing Director Keli Osborn doubled-down on their plans to present three drag queen shows at the San Angelo Performing Arts Center (SAPAC). At the same time, the three admitted there will be one show comprised of content ostensively aimed at children during the Saturday matinee, billed as "family friendly."

See the original story, Anger Brews Over 'Children's' Drag Queen Show.

"The Saturday Matinee will be a fairy tale drag show rated G," the Be Theatre leaders stated in a post on Facebook.

The fliers we have seen from the drag queen shows state 16+ as the age restriction on all shows except the Saturday matinee.

Here is the entire statement from the leadership of Be Theatre:

Be Framily,

Since ancient Greece, there have been times theatre has been revered as a form of worship, a source of entertainment, and also outlawed as a dangerous expression of ideas and movements. Throughout it all, theatre is an opportunity to reflect different stories, cultures, and situations. As many of you know, we are ending our 2022-2023 season with a CaBEret Drag Show. On June 23rd and 24th, we will have three unique drag shows each with its own theme. The Saturday Matinee will be a fairy tale drag show rated G. There will be absolutely no nudity, profanity, or inappropriate behaviors or speech.

As with many things in the world, there are a wide range of passionate opinions and beliefs. We understand that some people will still want to refrain from attending. It is their right to choose their definition of family-friendly. But just as some are choosing to not attend, we have just as many if not more supporters. Our Be Family knows what we stand for, and has supported us over the years. Some art challenges, some art entertains, and Be is here to present it. At Be Theatre, we actively support all types of art and the right for all people to express themselves in a safe place. The LGBTQ+ community is strong in San Angelo and have had the opportunity to celebrate and perform in numerous venues across the Concho Valley. We are more than happy to join the ranks as allying partners this Pride Month.

We value the feedback and support from our community regarding our upcoming programming. Thank you to those who contacted us and shared their concerns. We value your position and opinions. As we mentioned, the performing arts are a diverse representation of many aspects of our society. Sometimes topics that are covered may sometimes be controversial or challenge our view of the world. Our CaBEret for this weekend was not intended to be as controversial as it has become. We appreciate that our neighbors in all walks of life feel comfortable sharing who they are, their beliefs, their time, and their talents at Be. This weekend we are celebrating those that perform on stage as a queen.

We continue to value your input and will continue to work in the best interest of serving our entire community which will often include the marginalized, under-represented, or outliers. We may not always agree, but it is important that everyone have a voice and that we open the dialog in a constructive manner.

Board President Mike Burnett
Artistic Director Sidney Timmer
Managing Director Keli Osborn

The following flier is for the Saturday matinee that the Be Theatre leadership is billing as "Family Friendly" that will incorporate a fairy tale theme and be rated G, thus arguably targeting young children. Note there are no age restrictions on the flier.

The flier advertising the drag queen show where it notes that the show is "family friendly."

The flier advertising the drag queen show where it notes that the show is "family friendly."

The next two shows as advertised on the fliers displayed have an age restriction of 16+, unlike the Saturday matinee that has no age restrictions.

The age restriction is marked in the top lefthand corner as "16+"

The age restriction is marked in the top lefthand corner as "16+"

The age restriction is marked in the top lefthand corner as "16+"

The age restriction is marked in the top lefthand corner as "16+"

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If we're going to stop something because it's gay, we might as well take down the sheep statues and destroy the saddle shaped museum. If we're going to stop something just because it's gay, we might as well stop the rodeo, shut down Goodfellow, and abandon the city.

This isn't a "drag queen story hour" where weirdos backed by people with an agenda go into a publically funded school to target impressionable young children and become one of their core memories. This is a misguided tribute to that, apparently by and for people who imagine that resistance to this movement is just fueled by the desire for "meanies" to "oppress" everyone like a comic book villain. (...Like how your dad makes you do stuff you don't want to.)

The individuals who are responsible for running and participating in this type of theater may not have developed the sort of expansive mindset to be able to grasp the interdependence between their own behaviors and the strength of the larger fabric of society, but being developmentally challenged should not exclude such individuals from the community anymore than it has excluded the vast majority of the community from the community at large.

In conclusion, I would just like to say that if I ever had to serve time for something I did for any reason, it would be a relief to find this "Rye Sin" dude pictured on the flyers in my cell.

Date face

CGM5, Fri, 06/23/2023 - 19:00

If someone wants to be gay I could care less. If someone wants to be a drag queen then go for it. If someone wants to be a frog hopping around and bumping their ass on the ground, then whatever. When people with such extreme ideas start targeting my children, that's where I draw the damn line.

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