Lt. Gov. Fires Back at Gov. Abbott Taking GOP Fight Public


AUSTIN – Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick took to Twitter Tuesday evening to lash out at Gov. Abbott following the Governor's statement supporting Property Tax Legislation passed by the Texas House.  

Patrick didn't hold back his anger toward his fellow Republicans as the GOP family feud goes public on social media. Here's Patrick's tweet:  

Governor Abbott released a statement this evening where he said, "The Texas House is the only chamber that passed a property tax cut bill that is germane to the special session that I
called to provide Texans with property tax relief" He seems misinformed about the roles of the executive and legislative branches of government. While the Governor has the sole authority to call the Legislature into Session,
the Legislature writes the bills - the courts have been crystal clear on this. Governor Abbott has finally shown his cards. He chooses to give homeowners 50% less of a tax cut, nearly $700 a year, to give corporations more. This is not what homeowners
expected when they voted for him. Both the House and Senate spend $17.6 billion for property tax relief. After giving lower tax rates to everyone through compression the Senate plan dedicates nearly $6 billion for
homestead exemptions. That gives homeowners nearly $700 more than the Abbott plan. I'm shocked Governor Abbott is advocating for taking that additional $700 savings from
homeowners and giving it to businesses.
I stand by our bill. It is germane to the call - legal precedent is clear on this point. Something Governor Abbott and Speaker Phelan should remember - - for any bill to pass, it
must go through both the House AND the Senate. While the House may have thrown in the towel, the Senate continues to work. The Governor
should feel free to expand the call to include other critical issues for our State.

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