Steve Mild Endorses Stacye Speck for Justice of the Peace


SAN ANGELO – Tom Green County voters in Pct. 3 will have the opportunity May 24 to vote for a Justice of the Peace in the GOP Runoff election.  

Retired Tom Green County Sheriff's Office Captain Steve Mild has endorsed Stacye Speck for Justice of the Peace.  

Mild's endorsement letter is below: 

To the voters of Precinct 3, 

On May 24 you are being asked to elect a new Justice of the Peace for your precinct. 

I have known both candidates for many years.  I first met Mr. Perry in the 1980s when he was a firefighter with the city fire department.  During the years I have known him I was able to observe his personal and professional work ethic, and became acquainted with his family. 

In 1994 I met Stacye Speck when she went to work as a detention officer in the jail.  I worked with her at that time on issues with inmates, and I was able to see her advance in rank over the next few years.  She was a fast learner and she was able to rapidly grasp the laws as they related to the jail.  Stacye went on to attend the law enforcement academy and became a licensed Peace officer.   In 2000, Stacye chose to transfer to the Patrol Division where she again rose through the ranks because of her ability to learn quickly.  Stacye enforced the law in a firm but compassionate and empathetic manner.  As a Lieutenant, she has supervised the Patrol Division for ten years. 

Your choice comes down to which of the two experienced professionals are you going to elect for your next Justice of the Peace.  On one hand Mr. Perry has no experience at all related to laws other than being an observer.  On the other hand you have Stacye Speck who has lived the law 24/7 for the past 28 years, including working directly with all four Justice offices in Tom Green County.  

I would ask the voters of Precinct 3 to join me in supporting Stacye Speck who is clearly the most qualified and experienced candidate for that office.  She will bring the experience, dignity and decorum appropriate to that office when she is sworn in.  

Vote for Stacye Speck for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3.  


Steve Mild, Capt. (Ret.)

Tom Green County Sheriff's Office    

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