SAN ANGELO – Texas voters went to the polls in underwhelming numbers Saturday to overwhelmingly approve two constitutional amendments to lower property taxes.
There were two propositions on the ballot Saturday aimed at providing some property tax relief in a state where property values have skyrocketed because of the housing market. Even after passage of the two Constitutional Amendments, property tax relief will be a top priority for the Texas Legislature when it meets in January.
All election results are unofficial at this time until they are canvassed by the governing bodies of each election location. County Commissioner Courts, City Councils and School Boards must meet to canvass election results for them to become official.
In Tom Green County, only 5.36% or 3,757 registered voters out of 70,139 bothered to cast a ballot in the Constitutional Amendment election. That means each vote cast carried the weight of 19 votes in Tom Green County.
Voters here overwhelmingly supported the propositions. On Proposition 1, 91.42% or 3,397 voters cast ballots in favor of the amendment while only 319 or 8.58% voted against it.
The first amendment would allow the Legislature to reduce the amount of a limitation on the total property taxes on the homestead of someone who is elderly or disabled for elementary and secondary school purposes. This would reduce the amount of taxes these residents would pay to local school districts.
The second amendment would raise the homestead exemption from $25,000 to $40,000 for school district property taxes.
On Proposition 2, Tom Green County voters approved the measure by 87.68% or 3,267 votes in favor to 459 or 12.32% opposed.
Statewide, Proposition 1 passed by 86.89% or 1,140,112 votes to 13.11% or 172,022 against.
Proposition 2 passed statewide by a similar margin; 1,126,672 votes or 84.76% in favor and 202,503 or 15.24% against.
In the Veribest ISD, voters approved a $15.5 million bond by a margin of two votes. According to the Tom Green County Elections office, that bond was approved 90 to 88 Saturday. Proceeds from the bond would fund construction and renovation of school buildings and purchase new buses.
Also in Tom Green County, voters in the Wall ISD elected two school board members. There were three candidates on the ballot; Chris Wilde received 233 votes, Brent Schniers received 203, and Kevin Ripple received 143 votes.
Early voting for the GOP Primary Runoff Election in Tom Green County featuring races for Tom Green County Judge, County Commissioner Pct. 4 and Justice of the Peace in Pct. 3 along with statewide Runoff elections runs from May 16 to 20 with election day on May 24.
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