Former Police Officer Endorses Daniel for Justice of the Peace


SAN ANGELO – Former San Angelo Police Officer Todd Dornhecker has endorsed Tom Daniel for Tom Green County Justice of the Peace, Pct. 2.  

Here is Dornhecker's endorsement letter Exclusive to San Angelo LIVE!: 

"It is my pleasure to offer my endorsement of Tom Daniel for the position of Tom Green County Justice of the Peace Precinct 2.  I have had the distinct privilege of knowing Tom and calling him friend, co-worker, and practically family for almost 25 years. Tom is a man of great integrity, loyalty, and a strong affinity for serving others. This is evidenced by his life-long career in law enforcement. Tom has not only served San Angelo as a patrol officer and detective, but most recently dedicated himself to helping others start their law enforcement careers in his position as a veteran training officer for the City of San Angelo Police Department. 

Tom has an unparalleled capacity to deliver honest and heartfelt advice and counsel in both professional and personal settings. He has both an intuitive ability to cut to the heart of the matter and to leave those involved with the feeling they’ve been treated with respect and compassion. 

Tom is a family man, with a beautiful family. He and his wife have raised two sons who have gone on to serve the City of San Angelo in the public service arena, one as a police officer and one as a firefighter paramedic. Their decisions to pursue careers in public service are perhaps the greatest nod to Tom’s qualifications. 

For these reasons, and too numerous others to list, I wholeheartedly and without reservation endorse Tom Daniel for the position of JP 2." 

With honor and sincerity,

Todd Dornhecker 

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