Del Velasquez Endorses Joe Hyde for Tom Green County Judge


SAN ANGELO – San Angelo civic leader and Downtown San Angelo supporter Del Velasquez has endorsed Joe Hyde for Tom Green County Judge. 

Here is Velasquez's endorsement letter exclusive to San Angelo LIVE: 

"I endorse without hesitation Joe Hyde for Tom Green County Judge.

Joe and I were competitors once. During my short career at the San Angelo Standard-Times as their marketing director we held daily meetings with the publisher to find ways to thwart Hyde. We never could find a solution. Joe was tenacious, smart, and he has an outsized personality needed to break into the local media space. We didn’t want him to succeed but he did. We became close friends and partners on many projects since.  

In recent years, we have worked on numerous projects together. For a downtown and city wide development perspective, Joe has helped put San Angelo on the map for live music entertainment and has been an asset for our growing downtown. Last year, Joe and I took on the difficult task of raising enough money within weeks to present the annual pops concert and fireworks show at the Bill Aylor Memorial Riverstage. Joe’s capabilities not only as a fundraiser, but also as a team leader, made the show one to remember at a time when the county needed a big “win” coming out of the pandemic shutdown.

Joe will serve our county well and his military background will be an asset for the county judge seat. This is an important election for the direction of our community and I trust that Joe Hyde has proven to all of us he has the background, smarts, desire to serve, and proven work ethic to make all of us proud!

Vote for Joe Hyde for Tom Green County Judge March 1. Early voting is ongoing now." 

Del Velasquez

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