San Angelo Certified Public Accountant Endorses Joe Hyde for County Judge


SAN ANGELO – Retired San Angelo Certified Public Accountant Bill Coffey has endorsed Joe Hyde for Tom Green County Judge.  

Here is Coffey's letter endorsing Hyde: 

"To the Voters of Tom Green County:

As we begin a new election cycle the most important race may arguably be that for Tom Green County Judge.  Of the candidates running one, Joe Hyde, stands out as the most qualified and is running for the right reasons.  Joe Hyde possesses a superior understanding of the facts and circumstances associated with the business of Tom Green County.

Joe Hyde graduated from Katy High School and then enrolled at Texas A & M University.  While attending TAMU Joe was a member of the Corps and graduated in the class of 1986.  Twenty years of active military service in the United States Air Force followed.  During his military career, Joe attained the rank of major and as a bomber pilot flew numerous combat missions over Iraq and Afghanistan braving anti-aircraft fire.  It was in the military that Joe developed outstanding leadership and organizational skills.  Joe has demonstrated his willingness and ability to fly into danger rather than run from it.

In civilian life, Joe (along with his wife Judy) has been successful in starting and building a thriving business – one that many told him would fail.  This business not only survived the recent pandemic but was managed well enough that not a single employee lost their job.  Joe has the knowledge and experience to meet tax filing and payroll deadlines, to generate adequate revenues and to prepare budgets and then manage the business to stay within those budgets ensuring the longevity of the business.

Joe has developed an impressive knowledge of cutting-edge technology and computer systems and has mastered their applications - skills that will be invaluable in performing the duties and functions of the County Judge.

Maybe Joe’s most important qualifications are his unyielding work ethic, his dedication to honesty and fairness and his genuine desire to serve the community.

To me the choice is clear.  Vote for someone with knowledge and maturity who will fight for the citizens of Tom Green County.  Vote Joe Hyde for Tom Green County Judge.


Thank you for your consideration."

Bill Coffey, CPA (Retired)

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I can't recall seeing so many endorsements for local politicians on SAL in previous years. Although I have been part of organizations that endorsed local candidates in the past, I am doubtful of any significant impact endorsements have on voters. I, for one, vote exclusively for whomever I perceive to be the best possible candidate and endorsements do not factor into the equation at all.

Why should anyone really care if some attorney, accountant, real estate agent, used car salesman, landscape artist, manicurist, etc...endorses Phineas T. Dirtbag or whomever for some office?  Your last sentence is spot on.

Endorsements are typically driven by pecuniary interests or personal associations, and the glowing terms used by the endorser to describe the endorsee are usually hogwash.

And they must be prepared to eat crow, should said politico get caught in some sort of impropriety.

Election time is exciting and it is so good to see so many willing parties interested in serving our city and county.

After reading Mr. Hyde's manifesto regarding what he would do as County Judge, I am not sure he understands what the responsibilities of that position are or the limitations of the position.

On an admittedly trivial note, that cutesy little image associated with his campaign showing the two progress bars misspelled "Business".  I would hope were he elected he insist that anyone working for him pay more attention to detail.

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