WATCH: Tom Green County Judge Candidates Square Off at Republican Women Forum


SAN ANGELO – The four candidates running for Tom Green County Judge went head-to-head again Monday night at the San Angelo Republican Women candidate forum held at the San Angelo VFW Hall.  

The forum was interrupted briefly after an individual with a vendetta against one of the candidates illegally placed crudely made pamphlets on the tables attacking Joe Hyde and San Angelo LIVE!.  

SARW President Kelly Duncan addressed the issue and the forum continued.  

The person who illegally placed the pamphlets without permission from the SARW, the VFW or the candidates will be detailed in another story.  

Watch the complete video of the forum below: 

Early voting for the March 1, 2022 Republican Primary begins Monday, Feb. 14 on Valentine's Day.  

The San Angelo Chamber of Commerce is hosting a County Judge Candidate forum Wednesday night at 6 p.m. at the Ft. Concho Stables.  

The event is free and open to the public and will be livestreamed by San Angelo LIVE! 

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